SEO Vs PPC: What Is The Best Option For Your Business?

When it comes to boosting the traffic of your website, the majority of owners either go for the Search Engine Optimisation or Pay Per Click Advertising services. The debate to determine what is the best option among these two services is never-ending. This leaves most of the investors at the peak of confusion. They could not decide whether their dollars should go to the SEO or PPC advertising. It could be both? Or if is PPC or SEO? In the below post, we are about to find the answer to this particular question. 

SEO vs PPC: Pros and Cons


In order to land on the right decision, it is necessary to understand the pros and cons of both SEO and PPC. SEO is often known as “organic” lead generation. If generally speak about the SEO, it consists of optimising the web pages of a particular website to enhance their position on the search engine result pages. Organic SEO makes sure that search engine crawlers can find your web page and determine what information is mentioned there, ideally, they will give you a higher ranking than your competitors.

Although the majority of the online marketers use search engine optimization solutions, the definition of SEO is not fixed and often changes according to the Google algorithm update. The main objective of SEO services is to come up with the website that provides informational content for both searchers and Google crawlers. The search engine optimization also involves making sure that the website is in good shape and running without any problem.

Pros of SEO

    Organic SEO services are cost-effective. The services can easily fit in the budget of start-up and small enterprises.
    Organic SEO leave long-lasting effects. This means you will receive leads from the content you have optimised and posted a few months back.
    Organic SEO postponing is reliably stable. A well-optimised website can hold its position on SERP and traffic for a longer time.

Cons of SEO

    SEO is a long and time-consuming process. It could take between 3 months to a year to generate suitable results.
    SEO is a continuous process. Owners will never receive the 100% optimization of the website.

Pay-Per-Click advertising

Pay Per Click Campaigns

When a user pays for the click he/she receives from the Google or any other search engines, it is called PPC advertising. Unlike SEO, the PPC Advertising Campaigns allows you to drive organic traffic from the search engine by bidding on the particular set of keywords related to the products and services you are offering.

Pros of PPC Advertising

    The PPC can deliver fast result and owners don’t have to wait long for the results.
    PPC is controllable and scalable. You can just set down your budget and find out how many possible leads you will receive in return.
    PPC is not directly affected by the Google algorithm updates so, you don’t worry about how it can impact your ranking on the search engine results. 

Cons of PPC advertising

    You have to pay to get traffic on your website. Ideally, the rule is more you pay the better you will receive. 
    Selecting the set of reliable keywords and bidding on them is a time-consuming task.
    PPC will stop providing results once you stop paying for it.

SEO vs PPC: Which is the Better Option

The main difference between SEO and PPC is that the traffic you will receive from the SEO will be free and organic. While, when it comes to the PPC, traffic is not free and you have to pay for that. In the end, it totally depends on you that either you go with the SEO or PPC.


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