Instagram Crackdown on Fake Followers: What You Need To Know

Do you know Instagram is going to crackdown the fake followers? Well, this is true. On November 19 Instagram announced this news through its blog. This news has brought fear to those who were or currently using black hat SEO to increase the followers on Instagram. If you have a business or personal profile on Instagram then, you must know that there are some accounts who claims to increase your followers in a single day. 
All you have to do is pay them some amount and they will do it. There is no doubt that they are certainly going to use a black hat instead of SEO service. So, this new announcement is turned out to be the worst nightmare to social media marketers who use inauthentic third-party techniques to increase the followers. After this crackdown, there is surely going to be a major drop in the account followers who have used the fake followers.

How Instagram Crackdown is Going to Affect the Influencers

Now, you must know how this Instagram crackdown is going to affect the Instagram influencers. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has sent out letters to the top influencers suggesting them to start being transparent with their ads. You must know that Celebrities have lots of followers some of them even have in tens of millions. When a celebrity endorsement a brand with the line thank you for this… or hashtags that no one can convert except the influencers. Now the FTC wants to change this all.
It is not a secret that celebrities get paid for promoting the brand through their Instagram page.  The FTC is aware of the fact that the audience follows the celebrities blindly and social media influencers are taking advantage of that. So, there is that celebs will take the warning seriously. The good news is this crackdown is going promote the authentic SMO service provided by the experienced companies.
  • The breakdown effect

Let’s face the reality, celebs are never going to disclose that they are getting paid for the ads, and their fans are going to be like them if they used the products. How do you know if you fall under the new rules? If you have enough followers and you are getting paid for posting then, yes you also fall under the same rules. The FTC has just started sending gentle reminders to all and if they refuse to corporate then, FTC will start hitting their Instagram accounts with fines as it is the only way to stop them.
  • What are the new rules?

So what FTC want? Just tell their followers that they are getting paid for the posts? Not actually. The FTC wants the messages they sent through their posts needs to be free of hashtags and clearly visible and no they cannot mention it anywhere whether it is the beginning or end of the post. Apart from this, you cannot mention the “know more” tag to further define the message.
If you are running a brand and want more followers on the Instagram page then, you can hire Qdexi Technology for social media marketing service. The company is known for generating organic traffic through authentic tactics. 


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